Become an Approved Trainer
Become a Linux Professional Institute Approved Trainer
A Linux Professional Institute Approved Trainer is someone committed to high quality open source and technology education. The trainer is a certified and highly knowledgeable subject matter expert, that is a member of the LPI and currently involved in the training and instructing on the topics.

Benefits for Approved Trainers
- Access to all member benefits
- Updates on certifications and materials
- Use of LPI Approved Trainer logo
- Welcome letter (includes link to downloadable certificate)
- Discounts available for their students
- Dedicated area on discuss.lpi.org
- Eligible to join the Advisory Committee (AAC or AT specific)
For applying use the membership@lpi.org with subject line: Approved Trainer
Certification Magazine's 2018 Salary Survey found that ...

More than 70% say certification can make you more attractive to potential employers

47.4% of IT certification holders in the USA received a raise of salary in the first year after they got certified

67.6% say that getting certified has increased their ability to solve problems
- LPI membership
- CV or LinkedIn profile
- Video submission/audition of the trainer teaching material from LPI certification track
- Certification in one of the following:
- CompTIA CTT+
- Friesen Kaye and Associates
- Global Knowledge Instructional Skills Certification
- IAMCT Approved Technical Trainer (IAMCT ATT)
- IPM (Institut für Personalberatung und Managemententwicklung)
- Learning and Performance Institute Trainer Performance Monitoring and Assessment (TPMA)
- Learning Tree Train the Trainer Program
- Marcom Deli
- Microsoft Certified Trainer Instructional Skills Certification (MCT-ISC)
- New Horizons Instructional Skills Certification
- PrepMasters USA
- CCSI (Cisco)
- CST (Scrum Alliance)
OR - Provide reference supporting at least one year of instructional experience