The LPIC-3 certification is the culmination of the multi-level professional certification program of the Linux Professional Institute (LPI). LPIC-3 is designed for the enterprise-level Linux professional and represents the highest level of professional, distribution-neutral Linux certification within the industry. Four separate LPIC-3 specialty certifications are available. Passing any one of the four exams will grant the LPIC-3 certification for that specialty.
The LPIC-3 High Availability and Storage Clusters certification covers the administration of Linux systems enterprise-wide with an emphasis on high availability systems and storage.
Current version: 3.0 (Exam code: 306-300)
Previous version: 2.0 (Exam code 304-200)
Available until June 20th, 2022
Objectives: 306-300
Prerequisites: The candidate must have an active LPIC-2 certification to receive the LPIC-3 certification.
Requirements: Passing the 306 exam. The 90-minute exam is 60 multiple-choice and fill in the blank questions.
Validity period: 5 years
Cost: Click here for exam pricing in your country.
Languages for exam available in VUE test centers: English, Japanese
Languages for exam available online via OnVUE: English, Japanese

View LPIC-3 306 exam objectives
LPI is committed to providing the IT community with exams of the highest quality relevance and accuracy.

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To receive the LPIC-3 High Availability and Storage Clusters certification, you must be LPIC-2 certified and pass the 303 exam
At LPI we take the guesswork out of what’s on the exam. Our exam objectives show you what topics you can expect to find on the exams as well as the relative importance of those topics. No matter which study resources you choose to prepare for your LPI exams, reviewing the individual exam objectives should be at the core of any study plan.
LPIC-3 High Availability and Storage Clusters exam topics
- High Availability Cluster Management
- High Availability Cluster Storage
- High Availability Distributed Storage
- Single Node High Availability

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