Join the LPI Learning Team!
What is LPI Learning?
LPI Learning supports candidates, trainers and teachers with free Learning Materials to prepare for the LPI exams and teach the fundamentals of the major fields of information technology. The Learning Materials, as well as additional information on LPI Learning can be found on learning.lpi.org.

What are LPI Learning Materials?
Our Learning Materials are designed for concentrated preparation for the respective LPI exam. What makes LPI Learning Materials special:
- They summarize the knowledge of the official learning objectives.
- They are organized in uniformly structured lessons.
- They are suitable for self-study as well as for teaching.
- They are available free of charge in various formats.
- They are translated into more than 10 languages.
And what is particularly important:
They are written, edited and translated by volunteer contributors from all over the world!
What Can You Do?
New LPI exams and exam versions make the LPI Learning Materials a dynamic and ongoing project. That is why we are looking for experts from all over the world to contribute as:
who write the lessons according to the official Objectives. In addition to technical expertise, didactic skill is required here.
who check and improve the technical, linguistic and didactic quality of the authors’ writings.
who translate the lessons technically and idiomatically correctly into the target language.
Join the Learning Materials Team!
If you are interested, please answer the following questions. We will then contact you to discuss the next steps, e.g. the technical process, the standard agreement, the schedule, etc.
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