Share your voice
Write for your community!
As part of our mission, we believe that the people who work with Linux and open source technologies should be encouraged, in every way possible, to celebrate their work, and share their experiences. Whether that involves keeping up to date with what’s happening deep in the code, learning new technologies to further one’s career, advocacy or industry topics that affect our lives and professions, or describing how to get along with that programmer in the next cubicle, information is how we get there.
The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) is looking for writers to help people interested in open source, from beginner to seasoned professional, to learn from each other and elevate us all. If you have something to share and you’d like to write about it, pitch us your ideas!
We offer a global platform for your words, promotion through our social media channels, and editing assistance from some seasoned open source authors. We offer a global platform for your words, promotion through our social media channels, and editing assistance from some seasoned open source authors. Writers who are LPI members earn professional development unit (PDU) credits for their contributions. We’re also open to compensating authors for extraordinary work.

Here are some examples of topics of interest. We look forward to hearing your ideas on these or any other subjects:
- Is DevOps just system administration repackaged?
- Why do open source projects fork?
- Insights on the future or history of open source
- Opportunities in open source (new technologies, business, employment or other)
- Linux and upcoming technologies like 3D printing or IoT
- Soft skills in the technical world
- Some you found particularly tricky to learn while studying or working
- Open source licenses and how to choose between them
- Gender gap in open source
- Privacy concerns in our connected world
- Challenges in open source advocacy and adoption
- The impact of the GDPR on open source IT professionals
- Linux and open source success stories
- How education and certification helped you, your project or your business
- Conflicts in the IT workplace
- Interviews with open source advocates
These topics are just idea prompts, the list of potential topics approaches a number of Linux distributions, past and present. Perhaps you have other ideas for blogs and articles that you would like to write? Let’s hear them!
Tell us why you want to join this program and send your story to volunteer@lpi.org.
You can also send proposals, or topics you’d like someone else to write about, to this address.