
LPI Central Europe at Chemnitzer Linux Days

March 10 – 11, 2018 Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Central Europe invites you to Chemnitzer Linux Days March 10 – 11, 2018 in Chemnitz, Germany. LPI CE is thrilled to support Chemnitzer Linux Days 2018. Chemnitzer Linux-Tage is organized because we … Read more

LPI Central Europe at FOSDEM 2018

February 3-4, 2018 Hone your skills. Save on exams. Tap into the open source community. Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Central Europe invites you to FOSDEM 2018 taking place February 3-4, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. LPI is thrilled to support FOSDEM … Read more

LPI Exhibiting at Developers Conference CZ

January 26 – 28, 2018 Attending Developers Conference CZ? Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Central Europe invites you to visit them at their booth during the upcoming, sold out, Developers Conference CZ taking place January 26 – 28, 2018 at the … Read more

Join LPI at LinuxLab 2017

Join LPI at LinuxLab 2017 Hone your skills. Save on registration and certifications. Tap into the open source community. Linux Professional Institute (LPI) Italia invites you to Linux-Lab 2017 taking place December 6 – 7, 2017 in Florence, Itlay. LPI … Read more

LPI at T-Dose

Explore the issues and skills related to free software. Save on certifications. Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to T-Dose November 18th and 19th in Eindhoven, Netherlands. The event, which is hosted at the Fonty’s University of Applied Science, is … Read more

LPI at Open Rhein Ruhr

Explore the issues and skills related to free software. Save on certifications. Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to Open Rhein Ruhr November 4th and 5th in Oberhausen, Germany. The event, which is hosted at the  Rheinisches Industriemuseum, allows IT professionals … Read more

LPI Explains DevOps Tools at LinuxDays 2017

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to LinuxDays 2017 hosted at the Czech Technical University (Prague) to connect with, and learn from, members of the thriving Open Source community. Whether you are new to Linux or, have been building systems/software … Read more

LPI Reviews DevOps at OSEC Forum

Linux Professional Institute (LPI) invites you to the Open Source Education Centre (OSEC) Forum on June 6th, 2017 in Warsaw, Poland to tap into the evolving world of open source technology and the fun, thriving open source community. The OSEC Forum … Read more

Love Linux? Join us at 14LinuxSession this weekend!

This weekend LPI is excited to sponsor and speak at 14LinuxSession in Wroclaw, Poland, from May 6th – 7th. As the name suggests, 14LinuxSession is a conference that gathers Linux enthusiasts and experts from around the globe to talk all … Read more

LPI at Linux Days 2016 in Prague

On the weekend of October 8 – 9th, LPI Central Europe participated at Linux Days 2016 in Prague, Chechia. Linux Days ( is the largest Czech technical open-source and Linux conference, organized annually by a group of open source enthusiasts … Read more

LPI at open source Day 2016

On April 26th the Linux Professional Institute Central Europe participated as one of the patrons of media at the Conference open source Day 2016 in Warsaw, Poland. The open source Day is probably the biggest event in Poland dedicated to … Read more

PUE Day 2016

PUE is the main LPI partner in Spain and organizes its 3rd Edition of PUE DAY. This event will present new academic initiatives in ICT official certification and training to the educational community of Spain. The main purpose of PUE … Read more